Friday, May 14, 2010

We only part to meet again

The trees that grow on the mountain
All go their separate ways.
Some are born to be carved into saints,
Some as charcoal end their days.
-Spanish rhyme. One of the best things about college is all the great friends that we've made.Whether cramming all night for an exam, planning a party, or stressing out about future, our friends were there to make the bad times better and the good times great. If you have two close friends or if you have twenty, you are a better person because of them.
Yes, we may be going separate ways, but that doesn’t have to mean the end of the friendship. It’s a big adjustment to make, going from seeing your friends every day to only seeing them every other week, every few months, or once a year, but it makes the time you do spend together more special: We'll spend hours catching up, talking about everything and nothing.

"Goodbyes are not forever.

Goodbyes are not the end.

They simply mean I'll miss you

Until we meet again!"


  1. everything is gr8 in the post, robo...
    except one thing...
    u have left 2 major persons...
    me n anand...
    plz rectify the mistake at the earliest...

  2. Our team has taken a note of your comment and will try and get it rectified as soon as possible

  3. friends are gems, make so you preserve them well. :)

  4. kabhi alvida na kehna....fantastic post...friends forever!!
