Friday, April 30, 2010

Moonlit ripples and the booze effect

On the margin of the river
The night is brighter than ever
The wind rocks the pier
As we sit and enjoy our beer.
This made me ponder...what are the manifestations of booze? And here is what I call as "the booze effect"

The lesser creatures promise their freedom to shrewd manipulators

Pink Floyd songs have a completely different feel

"Body builders" take their shirts off in front of Yel Chiko and start a push-up competition on the road

Fashion icons start new trends by wearing a tee front side back

Scotch lovers have one too many pegs of Glen Livet, but still demand for chocolate brownies. When their order arrives, they are found lying under a peepal tree...

"Badass bikers" get caught for drinking ad driving and are sent to the lock up, thus completing their quest to become a "Ranjhor ka Rathore"

The "always in control" tankers fall unconcious in front of the warden and hence are spared the horror of telling their parents that they drink, cause the warden does it for them

The pathologically shy come out of their shell and express themselves.

"Bottoms up specialists" puke and fall unconcious in the lobby and are dragged to their room by their BFF

"Ethyl alcohol undies" put up a spectacular peformance, be it coldplay or jimi hendrix

and finally, "Losers" think they have hit a creative patch and write such blogs that make you pull your hair out.


  1. Hey which one is chinamy, and who is the scotch lover????

  2. Chinmay is the FASHION ICON flaunting my T shirt.
    Scotch lover isnt fom IT

  3. robo's masterpiece guys,
    wont be bettered,
    not even by him!!!

  4. @maya....scotch lover...haha....identities shud not be revealed ;)

  5. and who is bottoms up specialist?????

  6. btw the dark side is the one with the DORKy glasses, reffered to as ETHYL ALCOHOL UNDIES

  7. @ Maya...tht I cant reveal
    read the photo carefully and u will know why

  8. @DarkSide was just curious to know the conscious person with some paste on face and Men's health magazine in hand, by the way what is it???

  9. It is a facepack
    and that person is Shashank Ojha, a very good friend of mine

  10. @sunny scotch lover looked familiar to Arora!!!!
    nd about bottoms up specialist i m very curious,
    Who is he, any CLUES????

  11. @ Maya...will tell you in person

  12. that was hilarious, specially that jayant incident.

  13. mast bajar pic hai nitinve ki....bina daru piye ye haal hai!
    wonder what sort of pics he has when drunk :D
