Friday, April 23, 2010

Prayer to God by an Atheist

The content found on this post are simply a form of relaxation that helps to put people in touch with a larger, intuitive realm of mind that is blocked out by the ordinary waking state and its concerns. Thus, this kind content has nothing to do with religious ideas or myths or practices per se. It is not a replacement for a religious practice, nor necessarily in opposition to any religious practice.
Also, if you are under the age of 18 years I strongly recommend you do not read any further
That should have me here goes the prayer...which actually is a product of my transition from atheism to nihilism.
O God, whom we do not believe in...
let us all not pray for you...
who does not exist in any rational realm...
There is no god. All religion is false.
Yet we love and long for holiness.
Atheistic prayer is universal and non-sectarian.
Nobody owns the tradition. No one except you and me; except all of us .
It’s a secret doctrine that’s a secret for no good reason.
So listen, and you shall hear .
In short, we are educated and we are free .
So we can, in a sense, have our cake and eat it too: with God without God.
Little children, keep yourselves from believing in God. Amen.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So at length!!!!!!!
    i found a fella that sort of tickles ma fancy.......
    i think v gotta bring forth a joint venture in 'taming' people against GOD......(I'd rather--DOG)

  3. I don't wanna hurt(locker) anybody's feelin' though; damages are deeply regretted.

  4. Good one.
    God must have had some hiccups as you were writing it.
