Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Paradox of Choice

You are doomed to make choices. This is life's greatest paradox. The more choices we have to make, the less certainty we seem to have. Almost unlimited number of choices seem to produce genuine suffering. When there are so many options to choose from, how can we be sure we have made the right choice? People like me keep searching for the best option, wasting energy and time,but are never satisfied. When I was a kid, most of my choices were intuitive, and I invariably chose the best option. But now, choices are driven by public opinion, by stats and graphs, by results and performance. The problem is that choosing one means not choosing other, and it may come to haunt you in the future.

These lines do provide a little peace of mind...hoping you make the right choices...godspeed.

Yes, there are two paths you can go by

But in the long run

There's still time to change The road you're on.


  1. i vehemently agree wid everything u've written. but i feel life is long and u can always make a new start, all it need is a risk to go a bit out of convention. well written robo.. nice use of led zep song.

  2. "But in the long run
    There's still time to change The road you're on."

    This line is the one !!

  3. very true buddy....for the common masses like us....its always a mammoth task to decide or choose a path...and often the chosen path is more governed by other's opinion than our own

  4. very true!!! Sometimes, i do wonder, "What if I had chosen something apart from engineering?" :p

    i try to go by my intuitions..
    but they have become statistical as well..

  6. You are right. In every moment of our lives, we have choices, and these choices shape up our lives. Let me tell you from my personal experience, be the child you were years before. Take decision from intuition, not from other's opinion. If you go along your own choice, even if you fail, you can bear it, learn from the mistake and move on, but if you live your life by some one else's choice, however successful you may become, you will always think "I could have done better" and you can never be satisfied. Have you seen the movie "Rock On" ?
